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At the age of ten Jim began mowing the lawn at his fathers’ funeral home in Chicago. After graduating from Carl Sandburg High School in 1976 his love for mowing lawns continued so he started Jim Melka Landscaping and Maintenance. By the end of the summer of 1976 he was mowing thirteen lawns on a weekly basis. In the fall of 1976 Jim attended George Williams College in Downers Grove as a commuter; enabling him to continue his maintenance business. As the years passed the lawn mowing business began doing small landscape jobs. In 1978 Jim’s cousin Henry began working part time and the two of them were able to take on larger jobs. In 1980 Jim graduated from college and decided to pursue landscape and maintenance as a full time career. In the summer of 1988 Jim simultaneously moved the landscape business and opened the garden center to its current location at 11606 W. 179th Street, Mokena, IL.
The mission at Jim Melka Landscaping & Garden Center is to satisfy the needs and exceed the expectations of customers by providing the highest quality products, services, and information; while continuing to improve an image of excellence and professionalism.
Office Manager: Donna BrownDesign & Sales: Tom VollmerGarden Center Managers: Lauren Melka & Bob SloanGreenhouse Manager: Chris RinkLandscape Operations: Henry SawaGarden Center Operations: Jesse GarciaBrick Paver Operations: Eligio Arteaga, Eduardo Garcia, Federico RamirezMaintenance Supervisors: Salvador Valenzuela & Eliazar Arredondo & Ricardo Lara